Notte di scontri in piazza Taksim a Istanbul fra la polizia e i dimostranti anti-Erdogan. Ieri mattina i poliziotti in forze avevano sgombrato la piazza, ma ieri sera i manifestanti sono tornati e sono ripartiti i disordini. Erdogan dice che contro i contestatori ”non ci sara’ tolleranza” e che il parco Gezi sara’ cancellato: ”Gli alberi li ripianteremo altrove”. Arrestati anche 73 avvocati che difendevano i manifestanti. Per la Casa Bianca ”occorre rispettare il diritto di espressione”.
A man says his hands were burned by the gas police used against protesters. “It wasn’t pepper gas,” he insisted. Fights broke out when police came to Taksim Square on June 11, 2013, the 11th day of anti-government protests at Gezi Park. Photo: Jodi Hilton/NurPhoto
Police fired tear gas against protesters in Taksim Square on June 11, 2013, the 11th day of anti-government protests in Turkey. Photo: Jodi Hilton/NurPhoto
Intervention of the police force this afternoon in Taksim square.
Photo: Michael Bunel/NurPhoto
Intervention of the police force this afternoon in Taksim square. Police fired tear gas and water cannons in Taksim Square during the 11th day of anti-government protest in Istanbul, on June 11, 2013. Photo: Michael Bunel/NurPhoto
Intervention of the police force this afternoon in Taksim square. Police fired tear gas and water cannons in Taksim Square during the 11th day of anti-government protest in Istanbul, on June 11, 2013. Photo: Michael Bunel/NurPhoto
Clashes between police and protesters in Taksim Square. Police fired tear gas and water cannons in Taksim Square on June 11, 2013, the 11th day of anti-government protests in Turkey. In the photo: a protester hit during the clashes Photo: Kaan Saganak/NurPhoto
Clashes between police and protesters in Taksim Square. Police fired tear gas and water cannons in Taksim Square on June 11, 2013, the 11th day of anti-government protests in Turkey. Photo: Kaan Saganak/NurPhoto
Clashes between police and protesters in Taksim Square. Police fired tear gas and water cannons in Taksim Square on June 11, 2013, the 11th day of anti-government protests in Turkey. Photo: Kaan Saganak/NurPhoto
Intervention of the police force this morning in Taksim square. Photo: Michael Bunel/NurPhoto
Intervention of the police force this morning in Taksim square. Photo: Michael Bunel/NurPhoto
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